Saturday, June 13, 2009

Embracing the radish

I have no grand expectations for myself for this blog. I simply was looking for a place to put my weekly menu plan (or ideas) and keep track of of my CSA share. I would love to include pictures, but that might be too unrealistic for myself at the moment. Actually it all started because I wanted to make a recipe book of my favorite recipes that come from my farm share. But that project is too big for this year, or so I think. Anyway....

Why radishes and turnips? I am no longer afraid of radishes, or turnips, or kohlrabi, or kale. After 4 years of CSA shares I am ready to want and use everything. Even if I'm the only one in my family eating some of them.

I'm not going to hold on to a bunch of radishes for 3 weeks only to put it in the food scraps when it starts to get yucky. Last week I made pickled radishes (they smell horrible but taste great!) - this week I made a spring turnip salad and used my escarole for something other than escarole soup.

This winter I started making a lot of things I used to buy premade - humus, chicken broth, beans... turnips became a regular part of my broth-making (and now I'm saving up my veggie tops in the freezer for vegetable broth)... soaking beans ahead of time became less daunting (just need to think ahead by a day!)... homemade humus never tasted better (and lasts much longer!).

I'm looking forward to making lots of pesto, cole slaw, and salsa this summer again as well.

Hopefully this blog will be of interest to at least one other person beside myself :-)


  1. Melinda, so cool to see you blogging!! I look forward to seeing what you're doing with your stuff. I love the look of the bok choi slaw -- never thought about eating it raw, shame on me!

  2. Melinda,
    This is a great idea and the recipes look great! We are on week 1 of our 2nd year CSA, but at a new place. I end up eating almost all the veggies, but I hope some day the others will join in more.
    I'm enjoying all the Facebook CSA talk. I just got a recipe for garlic scape soup and I did get my husband to eat (and like) kohlrabi last year with one recipe. I can't wait to try the squash fritters, btw.
    Can't wait to see more of the suggestions-- sometimes it can be a challenge to use all those veggies! Jessica
